What we offer

Digital Asset Design

Tokenization & Token Launch

Smart Contract Auditing

NFT Tokenization

Security Asset Tokenization

Token Lifecycle management

Secondary Market Trading

DAO Governance


Yield/ Dividend Distribution

Token/Asset Recovery and Management

Token/Asset Analytics

Tokenization Studio

Be among the pioneers to utilize our Tokenization Studio, enabling you to tokenize a variety of real-world assets such as real estate, farms, bonds, securities, and beyond.

App screenshot

Invest Africa 54's Token Studio

Invest Africa 54's Token Studio stands as an innovative platform, driving the transformation of real-world asset value into digital assets. This cutting-edge solution facilitates the secure and transparent transfer of value by leveraging the power of blockchain technology. With a foundation built on blockchain's key features, including security, immutability, smart contracts, and near-zero transaction costs, the Token Studio effectively eradicates inefficiencies that plagued traditional methods of transferring asset value between investors. This forward-thinking approach not only enhances the overall efficiency of the process but also contributes to a more streamlined and cost-effective means of asset transfer in the financial landscape.

Stage 1. Creation

Add Asset Details

Specify and include asset details. The details provided here will be showcased on the marketplace, providing investors comprehensive insights into the investment opportunity.


Digital tokens representing ownership or rights to the asset are created on the blockchain. These tokens follow token standards like ERC-20 or ERC-721 and ensure compatibility with various blockchain platforms

Access & Permissions

Typically, ownership of a tokenized real-world asset requires account verification. Our platform enables you to implement account verification processes before users can own and transfer assets on the blockchain.

Token Offering

IA54 Marketplace is an great platform to present your newly tokenized asset to a vast investor audience. If you opt not to list with us and choose to host yourself, we streamlines the process by providing a contract address and script.

Stage 2. Management

Investor Dashboard



Portfolio Management

Voting Privileges


Add and Manage Liquidity

Supports multiple tokens and currencies

Instant and Secure Settlement

Almost zero fees

Owner Dashboard

Manage asset

Manage investors

Set Permissions

Token Analytics

Yield Distribution

Supports multiple tokens and currencies

Smart Contract Enabled

Distribute yield instantly

Secure transfer

Secondary Market

Buy and sell assets

Issue limit and market orders

Analyze order book

Smart Contract Enabled

Voting & Decision Making

DAO Voting System

Create proposals and ballot

Vote on topics

Review and execute results